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“Cryptocurrency cycles using market fluctuations with public sales and arbitration”

Public Sale, Arbitrage, Mnemonic phrase

In recent years, cryptocurrency has undergone a market fluctuation trip with roller coasters, which are facilitated by investors’ sentiment, regulatory changes and technological advances. In order to navigate these unpredictable markets, investors have focused on public sales and arbitration strategies that offer a way to benefit from price differences between two currencies.

Public Sales: a way to benefit from market imbalance

Sales of the Company, also known as the sale of markers or the initial coin offers (ICOs), are measures where companies for the first time issue new cryptocurrencies. These sales usually occur when investors want to buy early and benefit from market demand, often carefully listing their coins on major stock exchanges. By participating in public trade, investors can potentially benefit if the price of the cryptocurrency they choose increases after the sale.

For example, in 2017, the price of Bitcoin rose from about $ 1,000 to more than $ 19,000 after the first public ICO launching for a cryptocurrency called Basic attention coin (BAT). This event marked one of the largest and most successful public sales in history. Nowadays, investors can still participate in similar events, albeit with different levels of success.

Arbitrage: Low Purchase Art, High Sales Art

The arbitration is a trading strategy that includes purchasing a low hollateralized cryptocurrency in one exchange and selling it at a higher price in another exchange. Using differences from fees, liquidity and market conditions between stock exchanges, traders can make a profit from price fluctuations.

In the context of public sales, arbitration is looking for ways to buy low and sell high with minor price differences between different stock exchanges or platforms. For example, if Bitcoin is traded for 5 cents below in exchange with a lower paid structure compared to another platform, the arbitration could buy Bitcoin in this cheapest exchange and sell it more expensive to make a profit.

mnemonic phrases: an unforgettable way to undo prices

One of the most iconic examples of mnemonic phrases is the infamous phrase “I am the Law”, which Bitconnect founder Scott Maderer uses to describe his coin iota. However, this phrase has also inspired many other cryptons and tokens. Mnemonic phrases are unforgettable phrases or word combinations that serve as a reminder of key information, such as price goals, project goals or market mood.

In the cryptocurrency world, mnemonic phrases have become popular instrument investors to refer to important data points for their assets. For example, an investor could create a mnemonic phrase such as “BTC1MARS” to remember the initial price of Bitcoin (about $ 1) and its current value (more than $ 20,000). By linking this phrase to special events or market conditions, they can easily remember the price history of the selected coin.


Cryptocurrency markets are known for their unpredictability, making investors essential to be informed about public sales, arbitration strategies and mnemonic phrases. Understanding these concepts, traders and investors can better understand how cryptocurrency markets work and make more informed decisions when moving in a changing landscape.

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