by admin



by admin



Tron and Ethereum are two popular decentralized platforms that have received significant attention in recent years. Although they have some similarities, their architecture and use of use differ considerably. In this article, we will examine whether it is possible to send events from TRON to the Ethereum wallet using the Nethereum Library.


TRON addresses are unique 36-character springs that identify the user or organization on the Tron network. These addresses typically start with “TRC1” and the following form of Standard Ethereum address. For example, “0x5a4de6c8bbcd456adcd9ff6e7d9e6c”.


Ethereum: Send Tron transaction with Ethereum compatible address

If you want to send events from TRON to the Ethereum wallet, we need to convert the TRON address into a compatible format. Nethereum provides an easy-to-use library interaction with both Tron and Ethereum wallets.

We use the following method of conversion:

  • Convert TRON to a hexadecimal string.

  • Codes a hexadecimal string using Base64 coding.

  • Remove the coded string from Base64 back to a hexadecimal string that can be used as an Ethereum address.

Here is a Rust sample code that indicates this process:


Use Trontapi :: TRON;

Use Nethereum :: {Address, Ether};

FN Convert_tron_TO_Thereum (tron_address: & str) -> string {

Let tron ​​= tron ​​:: new ();

Anna hex_string = tron.address_to_hex (tron_address);

Let base64_encoded = tron.address_to_base64 (hex_string);

Enter Ethereum_address = Base64_encoded

.Parerse :: ()

.Expect (“Failed Base64 string Ethereum address”);

Ethereum_address.to_string ()


fn main () {

Let tron_address = “0x5a4de6c8bbcd456adcd9ff6e7d9e6c”;

Let Ethereum_address = Convert_tron_TO_Thereum (tron_address);

Println! (“Ethereum address: {}”, Ethereum_address);



Sending Events from Tron to Ethereum by Nethereum

Now that we have an Ethereum compatible address for the TRON wallet, we can use it to send events to the Ethereum network.

Here is an example of how you could edit our previous code to send an event:


Use Trontapi :: TRON;

Use Nethereum :: {Address, Ether};

Use STD :: ENV;

fn main () {

Let env_path = std :: env :: var (“tron_address”). To wait (“TRon address”);

Let tron_address = env_path.to_string ();

Println! (“TRON address: {}”, tron_address);

Let Ethereum_address = Convert_tron_TO_Thereum (tron_address);

Println! (“Ethereum address: {}”, Ethereum_address);

Let tx = ether :: new (& ethereum_address, 10.0);

Send_Transaction (TX) .expect (“transmission of an event”);



Send an event feature

The Send_Transaction function is part of the Netheraum library and deals with TRON wallets.


Use Nethereum.core.transaction :: {transactionbuilder, transactionresult};

Use nethereum.core.trxtypes :: Call;

Use nethereum.core.util;

Async Fn Send_Transaction (TX: TransactionBuilder) -> Result {

Let the contract_address = “0x …”; // Replace the Ethereum-Compatible TRON WRONG ETHELEUM address

Let tx_hash = tx.hash ();

Enter input = Call :: New (

“Function MyFunction () {return ether (100.0);}”,

& [contract_address],


.unwrap ();

Enter Print = Call :: New (Input, & [& “Result”])

.unwrap ();

OK (TransactionResult {

Hash: tx_hash,

Income: Income,

Results: Some (departure),





In this article, we have explored opportunities to send Tron events to Ethereum through Nethereum.

ethereum ripple available


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